Ms. Wheelchair Kansas
"Am I Gonna Fit? Navigating Accessibility Through Personal Experience"
* Emphasizing the importance of physical and society accessibility and full inclusion
Follow Tamara's year on her Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2024 Facebook Page
Support Tamara in her fundraising efforts! Read her fundraising letter to learn more.- coming soon!
Tamara Blackwell
Bel Aire, KS
Tamara Blackwell, 39, wants to be a voice for the disability community. She wants to shed light on the challenges of people with disabilities, but also show the beauty in the life of a person with a disability. Tamara herself has a full and active life. She is a wife, a mom of three kids, and lives in Bel Aire. Tamara, who has Muscular Dystrophy, does not let her disability stop her from anything, including cooking, cleaning, shopping, and being active in her community. She holds a degree in Early Childhood Education from Walden University. Tamara has been an Early Childhood Educator since 2007 and has had her own business, called Tammy's Tots Home Daycare LLC, since 2010. She works as a Youth Director with her church, assists with the church outreach ministry, and serves the homeless community. She has also been a licensed missionary, a choir leader, and a teacher. Tamara describes herself as empathetic, passionate, strong, encouraging, and courageous. She loves the Lord and her family, and is working each day to be better at loving all of herself. Tamara loves educating people. She wants to educate and inspire people with and without disabilities. Tamara wants to show the world HER world. She already does this by utilizing social media platforms to make people aware of important issues and show the realities of living with a disability. Tamara wants to be an advocate for change, while also encouraging those who fight just like her, to never give up!
Tamara was selected as Ms. Wheelchair America 2025! Learn all about this below.
To arrange a speaking engagement or public appearance by Ms. Wheelchair Kansas 2024, please contact Carrie Greenwood, State Coordinator, at 785-633-7255 or mswheelchairkansas@yahoo.com.
Tamara was selected as Ms. Wheelchair America 2025!
Tamara recently attended the Ms. Wheelchair America event where she competed for the national title and won! She joined with 21 other women vying for the opportunity to represent women who are wheelchair mobile in the United States. This annual event was hosted in Grand Rapids, Michigan and was held August 19-25 at the Amway Grand Plaza. After an intense week of competition, networking, and empowerment, Tamara came away with the amazing honor of being announced as Ms. Wheelchair America 2025. With this honor, Tamara will travel the country advocating for the 64 million Americans with disabilities, serving as a role model, and spreading her message of accessibility to 1000’s of people.
Tamara is the 20th woman to represent the state of Kansas at the national competition since the creation of the Ms. Wheelchair Kansas organization in 2004. She is the first to ever be selected as the national titleholder. Tamara will now spread her platform and message of accessibility with people of all ages across the entire United States! She will embark on an amazing year full of exciting opportunities and moments to make a difference for people with disabilities.